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Introduction to Project Management and Independent Learning

What is project management?

Project management is a simple concept: it is the skill to manage and complete projects, such as your coursework or a personal project. There are a number of different “tools” or strategies you can use to manage your workload and deadlines, The earlier you get these tools in your toolkit, the more prepared you will be in your next step in life, whether that is further education or work.

This module will help you gain some of these tools but first, check out this video below:

We’ll go through some of these concepts and tools in the topics.


Tool 1: Planning Your Time


Author Najaah Oozeer

It’s really important to be able to plan your time effectively. It’s a skill that people in the workplace still struggle with so if you learn how to master your time now, it will benefit you in the future.

Tool 2: The Priority Matrix


Author Najaah Oozeer

The Priority Matrix is something which is taught in the workplace amongst project planners and individuals working to a deadline with multiple tasks. Get ahead of the game by getting this tool in your toolkit.

Tool 3: Track Your Progress


Author Najaah Oozeer

Tool 3 is all about tracking your progress. How do you know if you’ve reached target? Do you realise how far you’ve come when you’ve got a big task? These tools will help you track how well you’re doing!



Author Najaah Oozeer

By now, you should have a range of tools in your toolkit to aid with your project management and independent learning. These are tools and skills you will need as you step into the next level of education, whether that be your A-Levels, College course, Apprenticeship or University course. Make sure to keep a note of all the tools and practice them where you can. Watch the video below of advice from University students based at the University of Surrey. Before you leave, please click on this link to tell us
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