Introduction to Apprenticeships
- What are Apprenticeship Schemes all about?
- Apprenticeship Levels
- Earn and Learn Straight from School
- Lets look at the Facts
- Get in and Go Far
- Further Reading
Whats Available?
- Who's doing what?
- What's available in my local area?
- Start the Search
- Is this of interest to you?
- Other ways to search
Preparing your Application
- Your Application Pack
- Employability Skills
- Evidence Building
- Achievements
- Personal Statement
- Your CV
- Making your Application
Preparing for Interview
- So you weren't successful this time?
- The 5 stages of interview preparation
- Stage 1 - The Basics
- Stage 2 - The Details
- Stage 3 - The Research
- Stage 4 - The Questions
- Stage 5 - Interview Day
Workplace Behaviours and Etiquette
- Starting Work
- Workplace Etiquette
- Communication Styles
- 4 types of Communication Behaviour
- Communication Methods
- Ten Behaviours
- Credits
Your First Week
- Congratulations
- Planning for your first week
- How to make a flying start
What did you think of this course?
- So what did you think?
Making your Application
So, you now have all the preparation material at your fingertips, its time to start making those applications!
If you haven’t already searched for Apprenticeship schemes in your area, return to Section 2 in this course which will guide you through the search process.
Some applications will ask for your CV, some may just want you to complete the form on-line. Whatever happens, you have everything ready so applying for several different jobs will be fairly straight forward.

- Study the job description so that you can refer back to the specific skills and qualities that the employer is looking for as you complete the form
- Read the application instructions carefully to ensure that you complete the correct sections of the form and know when the deadline is
- Ask someone you trust to read through your application before you send it.
- If you are able to attach your CV and a cover letter then do so, this is your way of showing how interested you are in the position advertised
- Make sure your ‘on-line persona’ reflects the image you are portraying in your application, especially if you have included any personal links such as LinkedIn or a Social Media platform. Read our Getting Career Ready presentation for guidance on preparing your ‘on-line persona’.
- Try to apply for as many suitable positions you can find – don’t just hold on to one position and wait to see if you get an interview. This process may take a few weeks and due to the volume of students applying, you may not be successful straight away.
- Keep checking your search pages all the time, and set email alerts where possible – new opportunities present themselves regularly and you don’t want to miss out!