A simple introduction to what Apprenticeship schemes are, covering entry requirements, levels and some real life experiences from young people already on these schemes.
This course has been created for students who are thinking about starting an Apprenticeship, or have already been accepted onto an Apprenticeship scheme. Over the coming weeks, sections will be added to provide information and advice from application stage right through to starting your Apprenticeship.

Introduction to Apprenticeships
Whats Available?
What’s available in your local area? Useful tools to get your search started.
Preparing your Application
Step by step guide to building your Application Pack
Preparing for Interview
Step by step guide to preparing for Interview using 5 planning stages
Workplace Behaviours and Etiquette
You have been accepted on to your chosen Apprenticeship scheme and will be starting in the next few months. Is this the first time you will be entering a workplace? A school /college environment is very different to a workplace setting. The way you present yourself and communicate with others is very important to help you settle in and become part of the team.
Your First Week
Some helpful tips on planning for your first week
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