Parents and carers HUB
The following pages have been put together to provide an overview of higher education and you may be able to support someone looking into higher education. We provide support for all state funded schools and colleges within Surrey and North East Hampshire. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Guide to supporting someone to university
This guide has been designed to break down the stages to applying to university and the different things to consider when applying.
Learn about Higher education
There are multiple options available at Higher Education and these options are available to view here. An overview of some key aspects are also presented such as student finance.

Resources for Parents and carers
There are several resources which are available for those supporting students through their journey to higher education.
Community events
Throughout the year there are a number of public events which are provided by our partners. Some will have a focus specifically on higher education compared to others which provide content about specific topics. Take a look at the different events on offer to see if there is something of interest.
The Outreach Hub is here to answer any question you might have regarding Higher Education. We will work hard to answer question you might have and signpost you to the most useful information. You can either use the form below or the details on our contact page.